Support the Ministry

The ministry of the Gathering is funded by participant registration fees. Gifts made to the ministry of the Gathering help allow our team to provide a creative and innovative faith formation experience to the young people of this church.

We have several funds that you can support:

Heidi Hagstrom Memorial Fund
Pastor Heidi Hagstrom served on the Gathering staff in a variety of roles, including program director, from 1997 until 2015 when she left to become a pastor. Her work with the Gathering was transformative for the whole church. From the beginning of her time on staff, Heidi would insist that the Gathering was not simply an event, it was a ministry of the whole church and a way for the church to “be” together.

Gifts given to the Heidi Hagstrom Memorial Fund will be designated to the tAble (formally known as DAYLE, Definitely Abled Youth Leadership Event), a pre-event to the ELCA Youth Gathering that blesses and empowers young people who live with a wide range of physical and cognitive and emotional disabilities.

Donna Wiegel Memorial Fund
Donna Wiegel served on the Gathering staff from 1997 to 2018, during which time she held many roles, such as registrar, logistics manager and assistant director. After Donna passed away suddenly in 2018, the Gathering established the Donna Wiegel Memorial Fund to provide financial assistance to individuals so they could experience the transformational ministry she served so faithfully for more than two decades.

The Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) is a pre-event to the ELCA Youth Gathering for youth of color or whose primary language is not English. Supporting the MYLE fund will provide additional resources to help this pre-event empower young people of color to know that they belong in this church.

ELCA Youth Gathering General Ministry Fund
The ELCA Youth Gathering General Ministry Fund is designed to provide financial support to our program and logistics teams.
Support this ministry